Why choose Granite Computers?
Here at Granite Computers we like to think that we are different from the rest. Why choose us you might ask?
 Well, firstly we speak plain English and not techno babble.
 Secondly we prefer to build trustworthy long term relationships with our clients into the future.
 Thirdly, we take the extra effort to understand your business inside out and make sure your I.T. works for you.
 And lastly, we aim to provide the best customer service possible at all times. Our staff enjoy their work and as long as our clients are happy, we are happy.
A few "real life" testimonials from our clients...
Anglian Water are a pleasure to work with.
We have been working with NC Cammack since 2001 and highly value their continued business.
We have been working closely with The New Homes Group over a number of years and provide help and support to their companies and remote workers. |